What is high pressure homogenzier
High-pressure homogenizer is widely used in the fine processing and superfine grinding of thousands of products in dairy products, soy products, fruit juice drinks, health food, fine chemicals, daily chemical industry, papermaking, textile, biochemical engineering and other industries. Especially for formula milk, protein drinks, fruit juice drinks, easy layering, easy precipitation and other problems that are difficult to solve for a long time can be solved. It has been widely used in the development of new fine chemical products such as nano-scale pigments, coatings, dyes and graphene materials.
High-pressure homogenizer is the most effective homogenizer to reduce the size of particles and droplets. It is covered with a polished stainless steel shell. The maximum pressure is 150mpa. The inside of the machine is made of materials with high strength, high hardness and wear resistance. These materials include tungsten carbide, silicon nitride and ceramics.
1).For dairy materials, such as milk and bean milk, the fatty particles in the dairy liquid become very fine in high pressure homogenization, so that the product can be easily absorbed and the food value is raised.
2).In the production of ice scream, it can improve fineness and sponginess, so that its inner quality is highly raised.
3).In the production of materials as emulsion, latex and fruit juice, it can prevent or decrease the bedded deposit of liquid and improve the outward appearance of the liquid material, so that the color will be brighter, smell be stronger and taste purer.
4).After homogenized by this instrument, the liquid material can be made into powder through spray dryer, thus it is the main instrument in the production of powder materials.
Working operation manual
(1)The machine rests on 4 blocks and screws and no other methods of fixing are needed. If rubber dunnages are placed under the blocks, working noise will bereduced and the stability is improved.
(2)While the machine is ready, the horizontal position of valve body should be calibrated with horizontal ruler, so that it will work properly.
(3)The cooling water should be clean.
(4)The material bull should be higher than the feeding end.
(5)No valve should be amounted on the discharging tube, for fear lest an accident.
(1)Before start, check carefully the connection of all fixing parts and tubes.
(2)Fill clean machine oil into the power box to the oil line.Generally,HJ40 machine oil is used and HJ50 machine oil is used in high temperature circumstance.
(3)Check the rotation direction of belt pulley(clockwise while facing the wheel).
(4)Adjust the handle to loose position.
(5)Connect cooling water.
(6)After start, adjust to the needed pressure gradually to avoid shock caused by sharp change of pressure. To ensure the quality of product, the liquid produced in the start stage should be put back to material jar until the pressure is stable.
(7)After start, if the pressure meter changes sharply or the pressure cannot reach desired value, release the screw of air-release device and fix it when there is not air coming out.
(8)The material should be filtered by a 50 hole/inch filter net beforehand, so that the tube or valve will not be blocked by the anything in the liquid.
(9)Working method of homogenizer: This machine has two stage homogenizations, which can be used according to the requirements of products. Most products only need single-stage homogenization. If two-stage homogenization is used, adjust the pressure of first stage homogenization first (not more than 2/3 of needed pressure) and then adjust second stage homogenization to needed pressure. Or adjust the pressure of first stage homogenization to rise a bit, and then adjust the second stage homogenization to 1/3 of needed pressure, and again adjust the single-stage homogenization to needed pressure.
(10)Before the machine is turned off, the pressure-adjusting handle should be loosened to remove the pressure. Close the valve of the feeding end when the machine stops rotation.
After working, the inner of the pump body should be cleaned first cleaning with solution(plus washing soda 1%),then cleaning with hot water(80-90ºC)for 5-10 minutes. Before using the machine every time, just do it as mentioned above.